Nutraceuticals: the Link Between Lifestyle and Medicine A review
nutraceuticals, bioactive compounds, therapeutic effect, pathologiesAbstract
Numerous studies have reported positive associations between certain biologically active compounds, with pharmacological properties, such as nutraceuticals, contained in some foods and various pathologies. The term "nutraceutical" currently varies from country to country, referring to a number of valuable molecules, derived from organic sources (plants) or foods such as polyphenols, essential amino acids, antioxidants, soluble fiber, polyunsaturated fatty acids ( PUFA), prebiotics, prebiotics, which act at the cellular level, in combating oxidative stress and inflammatory processes and / or in altering the expression of some genes. The discovery of the many benefits attributed to these products and the ever-changing lifestyle have contributed to increasing consumer confidence in nutraceutical and functional foods around the world, and there is a growing interest in improving the quality of life and adopting a healthy lifestyle. to prevent or reduce the risk of disease. Based on these considerations, this paper aims to review some scientific evidence obtained from in vitro / in vivo studies, which supports the beneficial effects of some nutraceuticals and their medical implications in various pathologies.
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