The Influence of Temperature and pH on the Results Obtained in the Diagnosis of Avian Influenza and Newcastle Disease
Avian Influenza, diagnosis, Newcastle disease, pH, temperatureAbstract
Avian Influenza is an infectious, contagious disease of an acute evolutionary type with an epizootic enzootic character, affecting numerous species of domestic and wild birds, clinically characterized by serious general disorders, accompanied by respiratory, digestive, nervous phenomena and an edema of the subcutaneous connective tissue from head and neck region, and morphopathologically through hemorrhagic lesions in various tissues and organs. At present it is spread in most European countries, America, Asia and Africa. It is of great economic importance due to its very high morbidity and mortality. Because the disease is underdiagnosed, and people do not notice the illness or mortality occurring in their livestock, the virus is very difficult to control. The number of cases of infection increases in the spring and autumn due to the migrations that migratory birds perform. They either start the migration already infected, or become infected during the migration, in the stopovers where the disease develops. Infected birds do not manage to reach the end of the migration, the body being weakened due to the fight against the virus, they can no longer fly and end up dying in the territories of the free countries, leading to new outbreaks of Avian Influenza.
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