The Synthesis Potential of Milk in Buffaloes Cows from the Făgăraș Area
buffaloes dairy, correlation, milk, lactation, reproduction, variabilityAbstract
Currently, approximately 20,000 buffaloes are raised in Romania, of which 11% are found in the Făgăraș area. The present study was carried out to estimate the capacity of milk synthesis by 205 buffaloes cows raised in this area, which achieved 1059 lactations, with the rank of lactations from 1 to 14, in an observation interval of 15 years, by determining the correlation between the indicators of milk production and reproduction (lactation duration, total amount of milk of a lactation, total amount of fat, total amount of protein, interval between calvings and service period). The variability analysis shows a lack of homogeneity of the milk production and reproduction characteristics, regardless of the lactation rank, their average being moderately representative, except for the interval from calving to the fertile mount where the average is not representative. Reducing the variability of milk production and reproduction indicators can be achieved over time through management. Increasing the potential of milk production, in buffaloes cows, can be done through a simultaneous selection that takes into account the duration of lactation, the milk production from the control days and the service period. Based on the correlation between some measurable indicators of the synthesis potential of milk, the value of other characteristics of milk production can be predetermined.
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Genealogical Register at the Romanian Buffalo, 2022, Home page address: