Feeding Value of Oilseeds Rich in Omega 3 Fatty Acids as Potential Ingredients in Broiler Nutrition


  • Dumitru-Filip Iliescu
  • Tatiana Dumitra Panaite Panaite
  • Mariana Ropota Ropota
  • Arabela Untea
  • Dumitru Dragotoiu Dragotoiu


oilseeds, OMEGA-3, polyunsaturated fatty acid, poultry feed


Due to the benefits of consuming products rich in omega-3, people have become more aware of the need for a surplus of n-3 fatty acids for meat in their diet. Three oilseeds rich in omega 3 fatty acids (linseed, hemp seeds and camelina seeds) were characterized to determine their nutritional value for inclusion in broiler diets to increase the PUFA content of poultry meat. Chemical determinations revealed a different protein content ranging between 19.74% (hemp seeds) and 26.78% (linseed). In terms of polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially α-linolenic acid was determined for linseed (50.71g/100g total fatty acids), camelina (34.15g/100g total fatty acids) and hemp (14.2g/100g total fatty acids). The selected products rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids will be introduced into the feed and tested on batches of broilers to track the best growth performance.


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