Improving Welfare of Layers by Ash Bath Possibility


  • Ján Orság Animal Production Research Centre Nitra, Hlohovska 2, 951 41 Lužianky, Slovak Republic
  • Miloslav Šoch University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Agriculture, Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
  • Jan Brouček Animal Production Research Centre Nitra, Hlohovska 2, 951 41 Lužianky, Slovak Republic
  • Vladimír Tančin Animal Production Research Centre Nitra, Hlohovska 2, 951 41 Lužianky, Slovak Republic
  • Petr Tejml University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Agriculture, Studentská 13, 370 05 České Budějovice, Czech Republic
  • Jana Šťastná University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, Faculty of Agriculture, Studentská 13
  • Pavel Novák Tekro, spol. s r.o., Višňová 2/484, 140 00 Praha, Czech Republic
  • Petr Zajíček Ministry of Agriculture, Těšnov 17, 117 05 Praha, Czech Republic


behaviour, dustbathing, hen, welfare


The purpose of this work was to study effect of access restriction to dusting substrate on hens behaviour. Forty laying hens from furnished cages (FC) and nonfurnished cages (NC) at the age of 28 weeks were used. The observations were performed in an experimental aviary equipped with dust bath of ash. The water obstructed the access to the ash bath. The first level of difficulty was without water; the others included water for an increased difficulty. Times of eating were higher in FC group. Locomotion and standing were longer in NC group during all difficulties. The length of vacuum dustbathing was shorter in FC group than NC group (1.2 min vs. 4.2 min) per one hour of observation. The average length of normal dustbathing represented 6.6 min (FC) or 5.4 min per hour (NC). Results suggested that dustbathing is under the control of external factors, especially of former housing. Deprivation of the normal dustbathing was not a sufficient cause for suffering in hens.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry