Reproductive Capacity and Hematological Indices of Blood Concerning the Genotype Pigs


  • Ilie Rotaru State Agrarian University of Moldova, MD 2049, Mirceşti str.58, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
  • Serghei Secrieru State Agrarian University of Moldova, MD 2049, Mirceşti str.58, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova


breeding, calcium, erythrocyte, genotype, glucose, growth


In this paper different genotypes were studied at the reproductive capacity and hematological indices of pigs. It was found that sow productivity and energy hybrid growth were influenced by terminal boar breed. Swine lots resulted from crossing Yorkshire and Hampshire breeds, Landrace x Pietrain and Pietrain showed an intense growth in the lactation period. Hematological and biochemical indices were included in existing norms and important differences depending on genotype were not registered.


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry