The Degree of Intoxication at Bees with Some Substances from the Pesticides Group
bee families, determination, substancesAbstract
The purpose of the paper is to prove the impact of the treatment with pesticides, at the entomophilous crops, on their main pollinator, the bees, and also to highlight the protection measures of the man and bee families against intoxications with pesticides. Refers to some commonly used insecticides in agriculture for the control of harmful insects. In order to detect the intoxication degree of bees, samples of honey contaminated with pesticides prepared and administered as food to bees from experiments, were examined using the HPLC (High performance liquid chromatography) chromatograph. The control sample and also the samples contaminated with Decis 2.5 EC, Faster 10 EC, Karate Zeon and Lider 70 WG were analyzed. Some solutions have been prepared with all the commercial products enumerated. The process has been started with the concentration recommended by the producing firm for each product at it was considered that it represents the 1% concentration used in combating pests from agricultural fields, from this percent there was an increase respecting the dilution up to the concentration of 1,25%.
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