Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum L.) cultivation in cover crops system, in vegetation with some autumn forage legume species
Cover crops, forage legume, Lolium multiflorumAbstract
In the cultivation system of the Italian ryegrass (wheat → annual autumn forage legume → Italian ryegrass), compared with the classic cultivation variant in the rotation wheat → Italian ryegrass, where the land remains discovered from wheat harvesting to ryegrass planting, almost 2.5 months, the forage yield increases with 29.6 – 73.0 % according to legume species and yield utilization, by introducing peas or autumn vetch between the wheat and the Italian ryegrass. By introducing legume species within the rotation system, the ryegrass yield increases with 4.94 – 5.11 t/ha DM, in the case of autumn forage peas, and with 3.76 – 5.77 t/ha DM, in the case of autumn vetch, according to the method of utilization of the legume biomass.
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