The Incidence Increasing of Sheep some Diseases Caused by Heavy Rainy Spring of 2010 in the West Part of the Country


  • Daniela Moţ University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timişoara, 119 Aradului Way, Romania


Dictyocaulus filaria, Fusobacterium necrophorum, interdigitally dermatitis, Oestrus ovis, Psoroptes ovis


As a result of heavy rains from spring of 2010 became to appear, after two months of animals maintaining in high humidity conditions, some health problems. Were been examined by clinical point of view 280 sheep from four herds of Timiş district particular breeders from Transilvanian Merinos and Ţurcană breeds, 2-5 years aged. In the same time were been taken samples from foot lesions of affected sheep and were been examined from morpho-pathological point of view the 29 sheep bodies slaughtered by necessity. After all examinations was been observed that 197 sheep (70.35%), more than half from examined animals had foot lesions and respiratory clinic signs caused by exceeded rains from last months. From the necessity slaughtered sheep bodies were been isolated larvae from Dictyocaulus filaria, Oestrus ovis and adults of Psoroptes ovis,  parasites who had found optimum conditions of development and to produce infections in rainy springs, with water and mud remained long time on pastures. From foot samples was been isolated in Microbiology laboratory Fusobacterium necrophorum, a bacteria responsible of interdigitally dermatitis in sheep. All these problems caused by heavy rains had as results important economic damages through milk and wool decreased productions and high costs with antiinfectious and antiparasitical treatments.


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