
  • MONICA BUTNARIU Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania,
  • VERONICA SĂRAȚEANU Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania,
  • ELENA TONEA Banat’s University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Timisoara, Romania,


zinc, Phaseolus vulgaris, biomonitoring, soil, hiperaccumulation potential


In this study is tested the variability and heavy metal (zinc) hiperaccumulation
potential in Phaseolus vulgaris plants, as a modality for the reduction of the danger
represented by zinc, through the reduction of the heavy metal mobility and
biodisponibility in soil through phototherapy. There were effectuated studies on the
plants treated with increasing Zn concentrations, confronted with visual symptoms,
biomass production, and heavy metal concentration in plant’s organs. Tolerance for
increased zinc concentrations is quantified with the help of three parameters as are
biomass (aerial parts and roots), main root length, and the influence of the zinc
quantity from treatment solution on the accumulation of some micro and
macroelements in plant.


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Farmacopeea Română, ed. a-X-a Editura Medicală, 3993.

Azot Kjeldahl - SR EN 15553 / 1000

Fosfati , fosfor total - SR EN 1189 / 1000

pH-ul - SR ISO 10513 / 97

Magneziu - STAS 5574 / 77 si SR ISO 7980 / 97

Fier - SR 13315 / 95

Cobalt, nichel, cupru, zinc, cadmiu, plumb -. SR ISO 8188 / 1001

ISO 11455.

ISO 11454/1994.

SR ISO 11047 din iulie 1999.

SR ISO 11159-1 din februarie 1999.

SR ISO 11159-1 din martie 1999.


