human resources, work productivity, agricultural exploitationsAbstract
The agricultural exploitations are often characterized by major changes, by
priorities which many times are conflicting, by pressures for obtaining results. The
manager has to reduce the costs, has to be all the time informed about the
technological progresses and to understand the dynamic of the fast changes of the
market and of the clients demand. The success or failure of an agricultural
exploitation is related to the way of acting of its employees. The managers can hide
in the apparent security of their “bunker” from where they can give orders. In the
present time they have to be conscious that they con no longer use the authority and
the coercion as it happened once. This is the reason why the word implication
characterizes the solution applied in this context. The managers must motivate the
employees, inspiring the commitment and the desire for action and encouraging the
creativity, they have to exploit the experience, the energy and the skills of different
employee groups and to build first class teams for solving the problems, for
identifying the opportunities and for give sense to the huge volume of information
which is available today. The role of the manager of an agricultural exploitation is
not that to make the employees work but to make them work well, to determine them
to use all their intellectual and physical resources. Where there is motivation, there
is also productivity and performance and the employees are happy.
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