analytic, monographic, statistic, fishAbstract
The economic transition, that actually takes part in the Republic of Moldova, raised
a number of questions for the society, that suppose a radical reorganization both of
the people’s behavior and the way of thinking.These problems are oriented to
achieve the basic principles of an adequate behavior in the conditions of market
economy and towards efficiency and reasoning.In this context, the competitiveness,
which is marked by a high quality and productivity level emerges as one of the
essential factors that ensures the normal funtioning of a market economy, namely of
the competitiveness and dynamic balance between products demand and offer, as a
motive power of the social progress.
The solution lies in taking over the experience of the countries that - having scarce
natural resources and capital endowment – developed their human resources to
improve their competitive situation. The Republic of Moldova, in order to finance its
economic development, having at disposal revenues only from agricultural and food
industries and existing human resources, has to develop these strong points that are
vital to ensure the success of its efforts to tranform the industrial and agricultural
sectors in motive competitive powers of a durable economic growth.
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