
  • TABITA CORNELIA ADAMOV Faculty of Farm Management, Timişoara, România
  • T. IANCU Faculty of Farm Management, Timişoara, România
  • ANDREA NAGY Faculty of Farm Management, Timişoara, România
  • COSMINA-SIMONA TOADER Faculty of Farm Management, Timişoara, România


ecological agriculture, durable agriculture, rural space


In the context of the community agriculture politics orientation toward a natural
agriculture, where the concept of ecological agriculture has a very well defined
place, it is necessary to intensify the efforts to promote the ecological agriculture
practices and to inform the farmers about the importance and the role of the
ecological technologies and, last but not least, the economical advantages and also
the advantages to improve the environment. The ecological agriculture (similar term
for organic or biological agriculture) is a “modern” method to grow plants, to
breed animals and to produce food, which is totally different from the conventional
agriculture. The ecological agriculture contributes to the increase of the economical
activities with a high added value and has a major contribution to increase the
interest for the rural space. Romania has appropriate conditions to develop the
ecological agriculture and, now when Romania joined the EU, this is an advantage.
Another advantage could be that the ecological products can be valuated at higher
prices, an average of 20 – 40% higher than the conventional products; the
production costs are higher only for the animal production. The large surfaces
which were not fertilized with chemical fertilizers in the last few years because of
the lack of financial means, the productive soils and the possibility for delimitation
of some ecological areas are only some of the Romania’s advantages for obtaining
ecological products.


Bonny, Sylvie, (2006) - L’agriculture biologique en Europe: situation et

perspectives, INRA Grignon

Burrel, A. (2000) – The Word Trade Organization and EU agricultural policyagricultural policy and Elargemment of the EU, Wageningen Press

Puia, I., Soran V., (2001) – Agricultura ecologica, Editura Ceres, Bucuresti

Planul NaŃional de Dezvoltare 2007-2013.


