soybean varieties, animal nutritionAbstract
Soybean is one of the most important agronomical crops used both in human and
animal nutrition, and for processing. The content of soybean in protein and oil may
vary from one variety to another being between 30% protein content and 17-25% oil
content, in seeds, and 15% protein content and 5% oil content, in plants,
respectively. Also, these are very much influenced by both the environment factors
(temperature, humidity, type of soil) and the technology applied (irrigation, nonirrigation, and entire system of cultivation, and the cultivars, too. The experiment
was designed to determine if the biochemical particularities are influenced by the
two factors: cultivar and herbicide. Two Romanian cultivars have been used,
Danubiana and Columna, being cultivated under herbicide treatment ( a mixture of
Gallat -2l/ha + 70g Dynam), and non herbicide (control) conditions. The
experiment shows that the herbicide did not influence the mineral substance, protein
and lipid content, for instance the highest value of total dry matter content of
soybean pods was registered for Columna variety being of 28,54% for control and
25,67 % for herbicide mixture variant. In addition the content of mineral elements
may vary between 1,56% for Danubiana variety under herbicide mixture variant
and 1,78 % for Columna variety as control . Nevertheless the herbicide had a great
influence on the both seed weight varieties, increasing from 130g to 171g for
Danubiana and from 150g to 167g for Columna variety, respectively.The differences
between cultivars are small, for water, and mineral element content, and fat acids,
but they are much higher for lipid and protein content.Amongst the two varieties,
Danubiana is recommended to be used in the animal nutrition due to its mineral
elements and protein.
Vasile N. 2005, Teza de doctorat “Studiu economic si agronomic privind
particularitatile unor soiuri de soia “ Bucuresti 2005;
Balteanu G, 2003 Fitotehnie, vol.I, Ed.Ceres, 2003 Bucuresti.