prebiotic, Bio-Mos, organic Selenium, alimentation, turkey juvenilesAbstract
The researches have been made on a number of 150 broiler turkey juveniles, the
Euro FB hybrid, assigned in 3 batches of 50 juveniles/batch for a period of 42 days
(the growth stage). In the feed of batch 2 (E) was added organic Selenium (Sel-Plex)
0.03% and in the feed of batch 3 (E) was added the prebiotic Bio-Mos 0.1%. The
turkey broilers of the three experimental batches were weighted at the beginning (at
the age of one day) and each week following: the evolution of body mass, the daily
average body gain, the daily average consumption and the specific consumption.The
use of Sel-Plex in the feed of batch 2 (E) and the use of Bio-Mos in the feed of batch
3 determined the growth of the body weight at delivery date (at the age of 42 days)
with 31.45 % at batch L2 (E) and 16.44 % at batch L3 (E), the increase of daily
average body gain with 32.35% respective 16.93% and the allowance of the specific
consumption with 27.96% at batch L2 (E) and 12.91 % at batch L3 (E) comparative
with batch L1 (M).The results obtained confirm the positive influence of Sel-Plex
and Bio-Mos on the main production and consumption parameters of broiler turkey
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