
  • B. ČERMÁK The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.
  • F. LÁD The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.
  • B. VONDRÁŠKOVÁ The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.
  • F. KLIMEŠ The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.
  • J. FRELICH The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.
  • M. KOBES The Agricultural Faculty of South Bohemian University in České Budějovice.


pasture, botanic composition, altitude


In 2004-2005, 7 different experimental locations were chosen in the Sumava
Mountains area between 450 to 900 m. Three farms had dairy cows, 2 farms had
beef cattle on pasture, and 2 farms had a combined beef and dairy herd. During
summer, all cattle were grazing. Dairy cows were supplemented with concentrate
and hay according to their milk production. During winter, the cattle on all farms
were fed with silage. The pasture yield, botanic structure of grass, clover and other
plants and the quality of animal product were monitored.
Content of richness species in pasture through 2 years (average).

Yield, botanic composition and chemical analyses of grass and herbage were
measured in seven localities with different altitudes between 450 and 900 metres
above sea level.
We suggest that evaluation of pasture nutrients, yield can give valuable information
that can improve the grazing management. Grazing influenced not statistically
significant a low nutrient content in grass with herbs gave a lower cut production,
especially in terms of cutting, grazing management and lower part of N fertilisation.
The content of average richness species of grasses, trefoils and other plants are
present. In the stands 2 and 3 the increasing of trefoils especial white clover are
increased. This shoved high utilisation of pasture and good management. Higher
stands of pasture depend on altitude had tendency to lower dry matter content.


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