
  • D. DUNEA Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Biotechnologies, Valahia University of Târgovişte, Romania


red clover, white clover, hybrid ryegrass, ground cover, persistence


Since the most important deficiency of forage stands is the inability to
maintain adequate legume participation in mixture, it is the purpose of this
paper to examine persistence in red clover in Târgovişte Plain eco-climatic
conditions, together with the factors that affect it. Six red clover cultivars
(Napoca-Tetra, Dacia Tetra, Vesna – tetraploids; Flora, Roxana, Start – diploids)
and one white clover diploid cultivar (Karina) were used in pure culture and in
mixture (50:50) with hybrid ryegrass (Zefir – tetraploid) in a randomized block
design with three replicates. Ground cover assessment in early spring was a
suggestive indicator of the stand persistence to define the stability and
sustainability boundaries of a reliable intensive system. In the beginning of the third
year of cropping, ground cover was 54.33% for tetraploid cultivars (CV = 43.25%),
and 67% for diploid cultivars (CV = 6.83%) in pure stands. Same ground cover
average of 27% was established both for tetraploid cultivars (CV = 36.47%), and
for diploid cultivars (CV = 16.97%) in mixtures with hybrid ryegrass.


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