the semen cells, the proteomic fractions, cryoconservation, semen thawing, the cryobiological indexes, the cryogenics response, bull semen materialAbstract
The evidence of cryogenics response of the semen proteins, the influence of BioR
administration on homeostasis of constituent gametes proteomics and on the
cryobiological indexes of bull semen material was studded. The investigation has
been performed on bulls from the Black Spotted breed of Moldavian type,
maintained during the investigation in adequate conditions from the point of view of
microclimate and fodder. The biopreparation administration have been done daily
during 10 days in volume of 0,2 ml/100 kg living mass/day. Structural proteins of
gametes posed the resistance given the influence of ultra low temperature (-196°C),
content of totals proteins in the bull semen material denote no difference between
the value of this parameter in the raw and cry preserved-thawed bull gametes.
Both, in the raw and thawed semen cells the most rate occupy the hydrophilic
proteins, After semen conservation-thawing process, it was observed a tendency of
the diminution of hydrophilic proteins (- 3,35%) and an increase of the basophilic
proteins (+ 2,78 %). In the raw gametes prevail γ-globulins rate; conservation and
thawing process of the semen material was associated by an increase of the
albumins rate (+ 34,63%) in semen cells; the rate of other three proteomic fractions:
α-, β - and γ-globulins was decreased given theirs value registered in raw gametes.
After the intramuscular administration of BioR preparation during 10 days on the
sire bulls have been certified any modification of the studded proteomic fractions
rate in thawed bull semen cells; albumins rate was decreased with 30,14%, the γglobulins rate was increased with 19,28% in the experimental group; the β- and αglobulins with 8,5% and 2,36%, respectively, given control group. The BioR has an
evident influence on the cryobiological specifics features of spermatozoids, such as
the seminal cells mobility, the longevity and the survival absolutly index what are
intensely influenced.
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