sturgeon, microsatellite, genetic characterization, allelic variationAbstract
Marine migratory sturgeons represent one of the most important fishery resources,
both from a scientific and commercial point of view. Anthropogenic influence and
other factors caused the dramatically decrease of sturgeon stocks in Romania. This
required the development of conservation programs and genetic studies to
distinguish different populations. New molecular biology developments allowed the
use of new efficient markers in the genetics of sturgeons. Thus, microsatellite
markers allow the evaluation of intraspecific genetic diversity and offer us the
possibility to distinguish differences between populations due to their high level of
allelic variation. In our study we evaluated the genetic diversity in stellate
sturgeons, Acipenser stellatus, from the Black Sea, using microsatellite markers. We
selected a set of seven microsatellite loci that are amplified by multiplex PCR
reaction in order to estimate the differences between individuals of Acipenser
stellatus, due to their high allelic variation. High level of polymorphism was
observed for the population of sturgeons studied.
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