Analysis on the Implementation of the National Program for Rural Development in Timiş County and in the Development Region V-West
EAFRD, pillar II, rural development, public funds, projectsAbstract
The financing mechanism of CAP pillar II – Rural development has suffered, during time, significant changes, determined by the need for improvement and also by the experience achieved in this field by the European organisms and the member countries. The attaining of a rate as big as possible of the capacity of absorbing European funds represents a real „challenge”, especially for the new member states.
The implementation of the National Program for Rural Development 2007-2013, on the whole, and particularly in Timiş County, is supported by important financial resources allocated from the common budget and from the national budget.
During the sixteenth sessions of projects organized until the end of 2009, in Timiş, a total number of 469 concordant projects were applied, afferent to nine measures, of which 310 projects were declared to be eligible, 4 not eligible, 178 projects accumulated the necessary points, being selected for financing, in 170 projects the financing contract was signed and 26 projects were completed.
Of the total number of concordant projects applied at the level of the development region V-Vest, 31% were applied in Timiş County, the other countries representing a smaller percentage of projects, respectively 24% in Caraş-Severin, 23% in Arad and 22% in Hunedoara County.
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