The Influence of Certain Personality Traits of the Breeder upon the Animals’ Well-Being


  • Mirela Samfira Teaching Staff Training and Social Human Sciences Department, 300645 - Timişoara, Calea Aradului, 119, România
  • Ioan Petroman Faculty of Farm Management, 300645 - Timişoara, Calea Aradului, 119, România


animal well-being, aptitudes, aptitudes, character, farmer, motivation, skills


Stock-breeding is one of the oldest human occupations. A fact that has always raised interest is that the breeder’s degree of involvement influences the animals’ well-being. Some elements of the breeder’s personality, his character, aptitudes and skills, are significant for the organization of the farm so that it becomes profitable, especially in creating proper life conditions for the animals, as well as insuring an optimal atmosphere for the employees. One of the breeder’s standards is the animal’s well-being. It can be achieved with the help of the breeder’s skills, efficient farm management and due to proper and well maintained equipment, thus adding up to the breeder’s managerial qualities.


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