Market Price of Romanian Pork Carcasses in 2009 Depending on Quality
carcasses, EUROP system, grading, market, quality, price, porkAbstract
The „EUROP” grading system supplies the opportunity of generalising pork quality in the E.U. The market price of Romanian pork carcasses in 2009 has some characteristics depending on quality classes. Among member states of the E.U., Romania ranks 9 from the point of view of the share (4.0%) of establishing market price for pork carcasses. In Romania, in 2009, they graded over 2.8 million pork carcasses, but only about 2.3 million made the object of commercial transactions as carcasses. The price of pork carcasses in Romania in 2009 varied between 554,840 Lei/100 kg carcass in the Dobrogea County and 872,633 Lei/100 kg in the Arad County, the pondered average being 662,736 Lei/100 kg of carcass. If the price of pork carcasses in Romania is lower than that of other E.U. member states, their quality reaches the level of the most performing states in the field of pork. Romanian experience and tradition in the breeding and exploitation of swine are now, together with the implementation of the EUROP system, considered as most valuable.
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