
  • MARTINA MILUCHOVÁ Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
  • ANNA TRAKOVICKÁ Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
  • M. GÁBOR Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra


cattle, PCR-RFLP, -casein


The work was oriented to identification of -casein gene polymorphism and
analysis of genotype structure in population of Slovak Pinzgau cattle. The material
involved 89 cattle. Bovine genomic DNA was isolated by fenol-chlorophorm
deprotenization and ethanol precipitation and used in order to estimate  - casein
genotypes by means of PCR-RFLP method. The PCR products were digested with
DdeI restriction enzyme. In the population included in the study there were
homozygote genotype A1A1 (27 animals), heterozygote genotype A1A2 (46 animals)
and homozygote genotype A2A2 (16 animals). In the total population of cattle
heterozygotes A1A2 – 0.5168 were the most frequent, while homozygotes A2A2 –
0.1798 were the least frequent ones. This suggests a slight superiority of allele A1–


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Technologies Applied in Animal Husbandry