Variation of Blood Plasma Gamma-Glutamyltransferase and Total Protein Concentrations in Holstein Calves
GGT, Holstein calves, total serum proteinAbstract
The aim of our study was to evaluate the changes of blood plasma Gamma-glutamiltranferase (GGT) and total protein concentrations during the growth of Holstein calves. Blood samples were collected from 20 calves divided in two groups (group 1 from 1 to 3 month of age and group 2 from over 3 months to 5 months of age). Mean value of GGT in group 1 was 32.2 IU/L and 27.2 IU/L in group 2. Mean value of total protein was 7.14 g/dl in group 1 and 6.92 g/dl in group 2. The slight changes in concentrations of GGT and total protein may be related to maturity of organs initiation of specific enzymatic activities or simply physiological adaptation of calves to the new environment.
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