Productivity of Permanent Pastures Located at Different Altitudes


  • Dorin Rechiţean Grass Research-Development Station Timişoara, Calea Urseni, nr. 32, Timişoara, Romania
  • Neculai Dragomir Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timişoara, Romania
  • Corina Cristea Grass Research-Development Station Timişoara, Calea Urseni, nr. 32, Timişoara, Romania
  • Ioan Peț Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timişoara, Romania
  • Maria Sauer Research-Development Station from Sheep and Goats Caransebeş, Romania
  • Sebastian Toth Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timişoara, Romania
  • Laurențiu Fodor Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timişoara, Romania
  • Darius Văcariu Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, Calea Aradului, nr. 119, Timişoara, Romania


altitude, grazing capacity, yield


This work studies the yielding and grazing capacity of some permanent pastures located in Banat’s Mountains, at 236 – 1300 m altitude. The mean results achieved showed that the yield difference between the minimal altitude level (236 m) and the maximal one (1300 m) is 0.93 t/ha DM. This difference leads to the conclusion that the yield of the permanent pastures located in the studied area decreases with 0.87 kg/ha DM (about 0.5 t/ha fresh mass) for each 100 m of altitude.


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