Implication of the Manure Management at the Environment
environment, dairy farm, household, manure, sediment, waterAbstract
The research was made for evidenced the animal exploitation activities with negative potential for environment. For this reason were located the following work point: on the Ialomiţa river course, Călăraşi county – dairy cow farm; upstream of the farm a group of cows households. At the level of the each work point were taken fresh and fermented manure samples (before field application), liquid manure samples (the sample was taken in the field application moment), water and sediment samples. The water and sediment samples were taken among a latitudinal degree, in flow river sense, for each season (March and September-October).
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Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
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Reference to electronic publications: Cod de Bune Practici Agricole, 2004 vol. 1.