The Influence of Xylanase Supplementation on Dough Rheology Concerning its Consistograph Parameters


  • Rodica Chereji Sanitary Veterinary and Food Safety Department Bihor, Oradea, Ion Bogdan street, No. 37, Romania
  • Rodica Căpriță USAMVB Timisoara, 300645,Calea Aradului street, No.119, Romania
  • Iuliana Crețescu USAMVB Timisoara, 300645,Calea Aradului street, No.119, Romania


bread, xylanase, quality parameter


In this study we determined the influence of xylanase supplementation on dough rheology concerning its consistograph parameters: maximum pressure (Pr max), (mb) and water absorption (Wa), %. The consistograph analyses were conducted at constant hydration and consistency of 500UF. Determinations were made on 4 types of flour and optimal enzyme dosages were determined. Then we added the optimal enzyme dose for each type of flour as follows: F1, F2, F3, F4: P1-8100U.FXU/100kg flour, P2-16200U.FXU/100kg flour, P3-24300U.FXU/100kg flour. Fungal xylanase used in these concentrations led to the improvement of bread quality properties: finer texture of the crumb, extending freshness of bread, improving the colour and flavour, improving the slicing ability.


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Fundamental Sciences in Animal Husbandry