Testosterone and LH Seric Level Dynamics in Male Rats after Potassium Dichromate Intake (Two Generation Study)


  • Jelena Rankov Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Alexandra Trif Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania
  • Simona Steliac Faculty of Veterinary Medicine – 300645, Timisoara, Calea Aradului, 119, Romania


chromium VI, male, rat, hormone, sex


The aim of this study was the evaluation of potassium dichromate impact on biochemical biomarkers for testicular function (serum testosterone and LH level) (two generations experiment). Males and females from F0 generation were exposed to potassium dichromate three months before mating. F1 generation was represented by male pups, resulted from F0 generation, exposed to potassium dichromate in utero, in suckling period (via milk and water) and until sexual maturity.  All the animals were divided in four groups: three experimental and one control, exposed to Cr VI trough drinking water, as follows E1: 25 ppm (LOAEL); E2: 50 ppm: E3: 75 ppm; control group received tap water without chromium content. The study was performed in compliance with national and international law regarding animal welfare and ethics in animal experiments. In male rats, from F0 and F1 generation, exposure to Cr VI determined: significant decrease of testosterone and significant increase of LH seric level in all experimental groups comparative to control one, indirectly, respectively, directly correlated to exposure level. Comparative to F0 generation, in F1 generation seric testosterone level was lower, significantly only in E1 and E3 groups, and LH seric level was significantly higher.


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