Studies Regarding Some Phenotype Parameters and the Evolution of Shepherd Dog Breeds in Romania


  • Adrian Marcu Romanian Kennel Club,300338 Timisoara, V.Oniţiu 19, Romania
  • Adela Marcu Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timişoara, C.Aradului 119 Romania
  • Cornelia Vintilă Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timişoara, C.Aradului 119 Romania
  • Dorel Dronca Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timişoara, C.Aradului 119 Romania
  • Daniela Radu Faculty of Animal Sciences and Biotechnologies, 300645, Timişoara, C.Aradului 119 Romania


parameters, phenotype, Romanian Shepherd Dogs


Now days, Romania have three dog breeds homologated by FCI (Federation Chynologique Internationale): Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog, Romanian Charpatian Shepherd Dog and Southeastearn European Shepherd Dog. The fourth breed, Romanian Shepherd Dog Corby is in homologation. It was studied the evolution of the population and two phenotype parameters (weight and wither height) at the Romanian shepherd dogs. The first three breeds have a good homogenity and a positive numeric evolution. Romanian Shepherd Dog Corby are less homogene and the selection process must be improve.


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Standard FCI no 349/06.o7.2005-Romanian Mioritic Shepherd Dog,

Standard FCI no 350/06.o7.2005- Romanian Charpatian Shepherd Dog,

Standard FCI no 357/23.03.2009, Southeastern Shepherd Dog,

Asociaţia Chinologică română-Standarde şi regulamente, http://


