Research Concerning the Influence of the Reducing Level of the Compound Feed on the Performances of the Pigs for Fattening


  • Monica Marin Faculty of Animal Science, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti bvd., 59, Romania
  • Laura Urdes Faculty of Animal Science, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti bvd., 59, Romania
  • Elena Pogurschi Faculty of Animal Science, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti bvd., 59, Romania
  • Dumitru Dragotoiu Faculty of Animal Science, Bucharest, 011464, Marasti bvd., 59, Romania


compound feed, fattening, nitrogen balance protein, pigs, slaughtering


The test performed was aimed at analyzing the various levels of the crude protein parameters in the recipes of compound feed administered to pigs for fattening, as well as the influence of these levels on the quantity of excreted nitrogen and the production performances. Fattening was achieved in two stages: 30-60 kg and 60-100 kg. In the first stage the content in crude protein was 17.57%, respectively 16.06% and in the second stage was 15.03% and 13.47%. The others recipe parameters were approximately equal in all batches of the respective stage. The results of the tests showed that the productive performances of the pigs and the results obtained at slaughtering haven’t been influenced significantly by the reducing proteic level of the compound feed and by the elimination protein of animal source, but the quantity of excreted nitrogen by pigs was decreased, playing for safety the environment pollution.


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